
The school makes extensive use of the Microsoft Office 365 platform for teaching and learning. Every student within the school gets their own Office 365 account, enabling them to access various enterprise level applications such as, Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams.

All students login to the platform using their school email address ( and the password they use in school to access all the school computers.

SharePoint is used extensively across the school to provide access to all subject resources and other department specific information. There is a dedicated student portal which is used as the gateway to all these resources as well as direct links to other Office 365 apps and other school resources.

It is expected that students use (and regularly check) their school email as an increasing number of notifications and other school related messages are being sent directly to the students via email. This includes their GCSE examination timetable.

Every student gets their own OneDrive storage with a capacity of 1TB. They can access this from any internet connected device so they are able to access any work stored on OneDrive from anywhere. Files/Folders stored on OneDrive can be shared with other students and members of staff to allow collaborative working and also helps the school save on paper.

Teams is used throughout the school by by both staff and students. Support and Teaching staff use it extensively to collaborate on various school events and students use it as an e-learning platform as each of their classes is a team on Teams, allowing their teacher to set classwork and homework. More information on this is available by clicking "Homework" on the right hand side.

Mobile apps for each of the Office 365 apps is available for download on Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices.

As part of the school's Microsoft Licensing agreement, all students (and staff) can download and install the full version of Microsoft Office (including Access and Publisher) on up to 5 of their personal devices. Please note that once they leave the school, Office will become de-activated and will cease to function.

Useful Links (and direct access to key Office 365 Apps)

Student Portal (gateway to resources and other O365 Apps):
Office 365 landing page:
How to Install Microsoft Office

Help and advice

Should students have any questions around using Office365, they should speak to their tutor in the first instance. Alternatively they can also speak to their IT/Computing teacher (where appropriate) for more advice.

All IT technical queries (including Office365 support), must go to IT Services, via