Modern Foreign Languages
Staffing and Role:
Miss Matthews - Head of MFL
Mr La Bua - Teacher of MFL
Dr Bonci - Teacher of MFL
Vision Statement:
The MFL Department aims to provide students with:
- The necessary skills and language to engage in meaningful conversations with native speakers of their language of study.
- A solid grammar, vocabulary and phonics base to enable them to achieve the best of their ability in their chosen language.
- The necessary skills to become resilient, independent and creative learners.
- Competent use of verbs and tenses.
- An understanding and appreciation of grammatical structures (adjectives, adverbs, word order).
- Solid vocabulary base covering a variety of topics from personal experiences (self, family, friends, free time, holidays, home and local area) to wider issues (new technology, healthy living, the environment, social issues).
- A bank of high frequency words and phrases in order to aid extension across all topic areas.
- The necessary language skills, cultural appreciation and sense of enquiry to be able to take their studies beyond GCSE if they wish.
- Skills to enable further study/travel/residence in a country where their chosen language is spoken.
- Dynamic, creative and challenging lessons in order to promote student engagement to enable them to achieve to the best of their ability in their language of study.
French and Spanish are currently on offer for study.
Further information
For more details, please contact Miss Matthews, Head of MFL, at