Food Preparation and Nutrition

Staffing List:

Miss Kerry - Teacher of Food Preparation and Nutrition

Vision Statement:

In Food Preparation and Nutrition we aim to provide an invigorating and challenging learning environment where students can develop their knowledge, skills and love for food and nutrition. We want students to develop an understanding of the importance of health, nutrition and food science as well as a bank of practical skills they can use and develop throughout their time at Testbourne and beyond.

All students in years 7 and 8 have four lessons a fortnight of Food Preparation and Nutrition during a thirteen week carousel with other technology specialisms.  Through both practical and theoretical methods students will cover the 5 core topics of Food, nutrition and health, Food science, Food safety, Food choice and Food provenance.

Year 7 - Food and Cooking
Year 8 - Diet and Health

Students will learn how to work safely and hygienically in our kitchen, and how to use a variety of general and specialist food preparation equipment. They will learn about macro and micro nutrients and the importance of eating a balanced diet, and will discover the chemical and functional properties of different foods and the science involved in their use. They will develop their practical skills through working with vegetables, meat, dough, eggs and pastry, and cook a variety of sweet and savoury dishes. Students will be given a recipe booklet and fortnightly homework, designed to help students research,focus or improve their learning and develop both their written and practical skills.

Throughout the year, classwork, including practical work, homework, and end of term assessments will be used to assess whether a student's knowledge is emerging, secure, or advanced; the result of this assessment is then shared with students and parents via the Year 7 and 8 Progress Reports, which are emailed home.

Students study AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition for 5 hours a fortnight from Year 9 which cover the 5 core topics of Food, nutrition and health, Food science, Food safety, Food choice and Food provenance.  Students will develop in depth knowledge of nutrition and diet choice. At least 30% of Food Preparation and Nutrition lessons involve practical activities, ranging from sensory analysis to cooking a variety of foods using high level skills and techniques to allow students to make connections between theory and practice. Students will focus on a range of dishes from various cultures and develop their skills through recipe modification and using specialist equipment. They will undertake food investigations and learn about the chemical properties and functions of certain ingredients and regularly evaluate and analyse their work.

Non-examination Assessments (NEAs) – 50% of GCSE

Task 1: Food investigation (30 marks)

Students' understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients.  Practical investigations are a compulsory element of this NEA task.

Task 2: Food preparation assessment (70 marks)

Students' knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task.  Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved.

Paper 1: Food preparation and nutrition

  • Theoretical knowledge of food preparation and nutrition from the core topics
  • Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE
  • Multiple choice questions (20 marks)

Links to your GCSE specifications on the relevant exam board website.

  • CGP revision guides, workbooks, and flash cards: ensure that you purchase materials for the correct specification for your child (AQA 9-1 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition). 
  • BBC Bitesize: ensure that students use content aimed at the correct level for their year and key stage.
  • TCS SharePoint – Students (Student Portal) – Subjects – Food Preparation and Nutrition will provide subject links to GCSE revision resources.  Downloadable content and other revision media are available here. Within these areas students will find some useful resources particularly for GCSE revision, details of which will be communicated to parents and students at the appropriate time prior to the summer examinations. Students will need to use their school ICT username and password to access TCS SharePoint and Teams. 
  • Seneca Learning  Students will need to sign up with their school email and join the relevant Food Preparation and Nutrition class
  • Online Student textbook –
    Student Username: STESTBOURNE3
    Student Password: STUDENT3
  • Encourage your child to read around the subject - looking at food magazines and news articles.
  • Watch and engage with cooking programmes on TV.
  • Cook with your child and discuss how they can adapt meals at home and improve their skills and understanding of health and nutrition. 
  • Ensure your child is using their revision guide to prepare for unit tests and exams.
  • Check they are doing their homework, ask to see it.
  • Encourage the weekly production of mind maps or revision cards, and completion of practice exam questions.
  • Students should make use of mark schemes to check any practice papers or exam questions they have completed so that they can identify where they have gained and lost marks - a great deal can be gained from unpicking questions and understanding what marks are awarded for.

The Great Testbourne Bakeoff - A yearly baking competition open to all year 7-10 students

Further information

For more details, please contact Mrs Edwards, Lead Teacher for Food Preparation and Nutrition, at: