
"The school has carefully crafted a highly ambitious curriculum through which pupils learn a wide range of subjects. Engaging and interesting topics are taught across all areas that ignite a passion for learning. The precise knowledge that pupils need to learn is identified and builds systematically over time." - Ofsted
Curriculum Intent and Vision

At the heart of our curriculum is our school vision. We strive to provide a curriculum which is broad and balanced, meeting the varied needs of our learners. When students leave Testbourne, we believe that our curriculum prepares them for the next chapter in their education, having received high-quality teaching that appropriately challenged them and enabled them to develop a sound skill set. 

Students act with integrity; achieve excellence together; enjoy and value their education; feel and demonstrate respect for themselves and others; become highly skilled learners prepared for a successful future. 

Our intent is for a curriculum that:

  • is ambitious for all learners irrespective of background or assumed ability.
  • is as broad as possible for as long as possible – our 3-year Key Stage 3 focuses on deep subject knowledge and understanding.
  • demands high expectations of learners and their learning.
  • leads to a suite of high value, academically respected qualifications.
  • that exposes students to a range of culturally significant learning across any subjects and allows students to pursue interests in the Arts, Sports, Design & Technology, and other creative and skills-based subjects.
  • provides opportunities beyond the timetabled day to develop cultural capital and maintain health and fitness.
  • encourages and develops reading.
  • focuses on learning, incorporating the latest research into teaching methodology.
  • meets national curriculum and other statutory requirements through discrete lessons.


Curriculum Implementation

At Testbourne, we understand that students’ needs are varied and we endeavour to cater for the needs of each and every one of our students. We tailor support for our students, particularly if students have Special Educational Needs, so that everyone can be successful in their learning.  

Our curriculum is delivered in 60 fifty-minute lessons across a two-week timetable, with students also participating in an extensive tutorial programme, which is delivered daily by our experienced team of tutors. Lessons are taught in set or mixed ability classes, allowing for teaching to appropriately match the needs of students in each subject area.  

We have a 3-year Key Stage 3 which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. It isn’t narrowed across Years 7-9, remaining broad whilst deepening the knowledge and understanding which students have accumulated throughout primary school. It provides students with the opportunity to develop mastery across a wide range of subjects, including those which are creative and skills-based. The knowledge and skills mastered in Years 7-9 forms the foundations for further study at Key Stage 4 - in Year 9, students begin the ‘Options’ process, selecting four subjects to study in greater depth during Years 10 and 11, alongside their compulsory GCSEs. 

Our Key Stage 4 curriculum has been designed to maximise the amount of time students spend studying their Core and Option GCSE subjects, enabling them to develop a deeper level of understanding. Students are guided to follow either the 'Russell' options pathway, where they will choose a humanity, modern foreign language and two other option subjects, or the 'Open' pathway, where they can choose either a humanity or a modern foreign language subject, and three other option subjects. Students are guided to our options pathways based upon their progress and achievement at Key Stage 2 and 3. Many students on the 'Open' pathway go on to choose to study a suite of 'Russell' pathway subjects, opting for both a humanity and a modern foreign language subject alongside two other option subjects, which we fully support them to do. 


The Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) curriculum includes:

  • English, En
  • Mathematics, Ma
  • Science, Sc
  • Art, Ar
  • Computing, Co
  • Drama, Dr
  • Geography, Ge
  • History, Hi
  • Literacy, Li
  • Modern Foreign Languages, MFL (French, Fr, or Spanish, Sp)
  • Music, Mu
  • Personal Development, PD (RSHE, citizenship & CEIAG)
  • Physical Education, Pe (dedicated practical and theory lessons)
  • Religious Education, Re
  • Technology, Te (incorporating Design & Technology, Engineering, and Food Preparation & Nutrition)
  • Tutorial programme, Tu

Further personalisation of the curriculum is possible for those who require more support with literacy or numeracy.

Typical lesson allocation per fortnight for Years 7-9
Year En & Li Ma Sc Te Fr or Sp Ge Hi Co Ar Dr Mu Pe* Pd Re Total
7 8 7 7 4 4 5 5 3 3 2 3 5 2 2 60
8 8 7 7 4 4 5 5 3 3 2 3 5 2 2 60
9 7 7 8 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 2 5 2 2 60

*PE is delivered as one practical lesson (double) per week, with one theory lesson per fortnight, in Key Stage 3.

During Year 9, students begin the GCSE Options process, selecting four options subjects to study during Key Stage 4 alongside the compulsory GCSEs. 

Our Key Stage 4 curriculum has been designed to maximise the amount of time students spend studying their Core and Option GCSE subjects, enabling them to develop a deeper level of understanding. Students are guided to follow either the 'Russell' options pathway, where they will choose a humanity, modern foreign language and two other option subjects, or the 'Open' pathway, where they can choose either a humanity or a modern foreign language subject, and three other option subjects. Students are guided to our options pathways based upon their progress and achievement at Key Stage 2 and 3. Many students on the 'Open' pathway go on to choose to study a suite of 'Russell' pathway subjects, opting for both a humanity and a modern foreign language subject alongside two other option subjects, which we fully support them to do.

Compulsory subjects

  • English Literature and Language, En
  • Mathematics, Ma
  • Science - Combined Science, Sc, or Separate Sciences, Ts (students will be invited to study Separate Sciences)
  • Physical Education, Pe - no external examination
  • Religious Education, Re - no external examination
  • Personal Development, Pd - no external examination
  • Tutorial programme, Tu

Option subjects

Students are able to choose four of the following option subjects to study at Key Stage 4, dependent upon their options pathway. Whilst we have a high success rate in allocating students to their first choice of options subjects, timetabling and staffing constraints inevitably mean that a small number of students are allocated a reserve option choice during the GCSE options process.

  • Art, Ar - GCSE
  • Art Photography, Ap - GCSE
  • Computer Science, Cs - GCSE
  • Dance, Da - GCSE
  • Design and Technology, Dt - GCSE
  • Drama, Dr - GCSE
  • Engineering, Eg - Level 1/2 Vocational Award
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition, Tf - GCSE
  • Geography, Ge - GCSE
  • Health and Social Care (BTEC Tech), Hs - BTEC Level 1/2 Technical Award or Cambridge National Level 1/2 
  • History, Hi - GCSE
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French, Fr and Spanish, Sp) - GCSE
  • Music, Mu - GCSE
  • Physical Education, Pe - GCSE
  • Religious Studies, Re - GCSE

Option subjects are subject to demand and may not run if the minimum threshold number of students is not met.

Further personalisation of the curriculum is possible for those who require more support with literacy or numeracy.

Typical lesson allocation per fortnight for Years 10-11
Year En Ma Sc or Ts Pe* Pd Re Option W Option X Option Y Option Z Total
10 10 11 11 4 2 2 5 5 5 5 60
11 11 10 11 4 2 2 5 5 5 5 60

*PE is delivered as one practical lesson (double) per week at Key Stage 4.

All students have a daily 25 minute tutorial which marks the start of the school day at Testbourne. The tutorial programme covers a variety of key themes including development of SMSC (spiritual, moral, social, and cultural) and British values, literacy and numeracy. Tutorial sessions ensure that students receive a high-quality start to the school day, preparing them for the day's studies. Heads of Year meet with their year group at least once per week as part of the assembly programme. Each year group has a linked member of the Senior Leadership Team who supports the year group and Head of Year.

Typical Tutorial Programme

Week 1:

Year Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7 Literacy Numeracy Silent reading & student check-in In the News Assembly & Head of Year notices
8 Literacy Numeracy Silent reading & student check-in Assembly & Head of Year notices In the News
9 Literacy Numeracy Assembly & Head of Year notices Silent reading & student check-in In the News
10 Literacy Assembly & Head of Year notices Silent reading & student check-in Numeracy In the News
11 Assembly & Head of Year notices Numeracy Silent reading & student check-in Literacy In the News


Week 2:

Year Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7 Pastoral focus (attendance, recognition, reflection) Literacy Silent reading & student check-in In the News Assembly & Head of Year notices
8 Pastoral focus (attendance, recognition, reflection) Literacy Silent reading & student check-in Assembly & Head of Year notices In the News
9 Pastoral focus (attendance, recognition, reflection) Literacy Assembly & Head of Year notices Silent reading & student check-in In the News
10 Pastoral focus (attendance, recognition, reflection) Assembly & Head of Year notices Silent reading & student check-in Literacy In the News
11 Assembly & Head of Year notices Pastoral focus (attendance, recognition, reflection) Silent reading & student check-in Literacy In the News


For further information on the subjects within our curriculum, please click here.

Please contact us if you require more information.