
Dear Parents and Carers,

We look forward to welcoming Neave to Testbourne Community School, and ahead of then, joining us for the Year 6 Transition Day on Wednesday 10th July 2024. On the same day we look forward to seeing you at the Information Evening.

This email confirms the final arrangements for the day and the evening, and we hope this answers any questions you may have.

Before the day

Students need to wear their primary school uniform, and bring a school bag with their packed lunch to eat, a water bottle, and a snack. If you have informed us that they normally received free school meals this will be discretely provided. Please make sure that your child has a sun hat and has applied sun cream if the weather is hot, and ensure they have a refillable water bottle to keep hydrated. They will need to bring a pen and pencil, but will not need any books or other equipment.

The start of the day

School begins at 8:40am, when the first bell sounds for students. Year 6 students should be on the main playground at 8:40am to meet the Year 9 helpers and Mrs Ballanger Head of Year 7.

If your child is catching the school bus their route is shown below: the bus drivers know to pick up the Year 6 students and have been told to look out for the students who will be wearing their Primary school uniform.

There are limited seats for the Y6 day, we have been advised this year that the children will need to book their seats in advance. Please can you inform us if your child needs to take the bus here:

When your child arrives, they will be greeted on the main school playground by our Year 9 helpers and directed to the Sports Hall where they will find out their tutor. The Year 9 Helpers will remain with the tutor groups all day, and ensure your child settles into the beginning of a new routine.

If you are dropping off your child, please park on Micheldever Road or in the old bus bay, so that they can walk on to the main school playground.

At the end of the day

The students will take part in a variety of lessons and have a tour of the school, including having their fingerprint scanned to pay for food in September.

At the end of the day, if your child catches a school bus, they will be directed by staff and Year 9 helpers. It is really helpful if you remind your child what bus route they are on and what stop to get off at. This is all good practice ahead of September!

For those collecting their child, at the end of the school day please collect your child from the main school playground but bear in mind that the site is very busy – it is a good idea to let your child know where you will be waiting.

Important information about the evening

In the evening, you are invited to an event to find out more about the school and ask any questions. This is for parents, however your child can attend with you if they would like to. The event starts from around 6pm in the Sports Hall, where there will be some time to look at some of the key information and speak to key members of staff.

  1. The Head of Year 7, Mrs Samantha Ballanger, will be available to speak to any parents with specific concerns
  2. Our SENDCo Mrs Geraldine Gray and Assistant SENDCo Mrs Clare Sykes will be able to answer any questions about SEND support
  3. The PTFA will be selling pre-loved school uniform, as well as rasiing money by selling refreshments, and giving information about you can help with fundraising for Testbourne Community School
  4. Our librarian, Mrs Evie Bates, will be on hand to talk about the library here at school and share her passion for reading
  5. A stall from the Canteen giving information about lunch and break food available, including canteen menus and a chance to discuss allergy concerns
  6. Information about Music lessons from our Music department, and a chance to speak to Year 10 students about Music at Testbourne
  7. PE staff on hand to give information with sample PE kit from Stitch Design, and Sports Captains from Year 10 talking about clubs and fixtures
  8. A representative from Easy4U will be on site to answer any questions about our Laptop Scheme. More information on the scheme can be found on our website by going to:
  9. A map of the school will be displayed, showing the location of lockers to help you decide which locker may be suitable.

At 6:15pm, there will be a talk from the Headteacher Mr Jon Beck, lasting around 30 minutes. After this talk, you will be guided to your child’s new tutor room to meet some Year 10 Prefects and get some more information about Testbourne, as well as have another chance to ask questions.

You will also be provided with our comprehensive New Parent Handbook, which has a wealth of information for those new to the school, and covers information that we hope, along with the day and the evening give you all you need ahead of September.

Testbourne School’s main feeder schools are Whitchurch Primary (CofE), Overton Primary (CofE), St.Mary Bourne Primary, Longparish Primary (CofE) and Barton Stacey Primary. A significant number of pupils also come from Oakley Junior School (CofE). Testbourne works closely with the feeder schools and indeed all schools who send children to us.

In order to help the process of transition from primary to secondary school an Induction Day is organised for the pupils, usually early  July. An information evening for parents is held after the Induction Day. An information pack is emailed to each family prior to Induction Day, and this pack, along with the evening, gives parents the majority of information they need.

The purpose of the Induction Day is to give pupils the opportunity to meet members of their new tutor and teaching groups, and to become acquainted with some of Testbourne’s routines. All pupils attending an Induction Day meet together at the start of the day then attend a number of different lessons. They experience lessons at their new Secondary School and spend break and lunch with their year group.

There are opportunities for vulnerable students to visit us at other times, to aid the transition process. By the start of the new school year in September new pupils have met their tutor group and will know where to gather at the start of the first day. Their tutor will meet them and supply them with a planner, their timetable and a lot of good advice. Tutors spend the beginning of each day with their tutor group, so they build their relationship from the very first day.

Our transition co-ordinator and Head of Year 7 meets the Year 6 teachers from each primary school to gather information about our new pupils, as well as the transfer of academic information. Our SENDCo meets with her counterpart in the primary schools to transfer information about students with additional needs. In addition to this, the tutor for the new Year 7 students meets with parents in July and finds out more about their tutor group prior to September.

Transition Day/Evening 2023 will take place on Wednesday 10th July 2024

Below are the digital documents that were included in our New Intake Welcome Packages, which were sent out on the Friday March 10th 2023

TCS Student Handbook 2024

TCS Bus Timetable 2023-24

TCS Events 2024