School Meals

A cafeteria and two canteen outlets operate at break and lunchtime, providing a full range of salads, sandwiches, snacks and hot meals. All food is freshly prepared on site and complies fully with the government’s Healthy Eating regulations. Payments for these meal are via a cashless system where money is pre-paid via the SCOPAY online payment system. Please see the section Payments to school for further information. Students may also bring a packed lunch if they prefer and can be eaten in the Theatre Hall or outside using the picnic benches.

We are very pleased to be able to inform you that you need have no concerns regarding the meat content of school meals at Testbourne. All our meals which contain mince, e.g. Chilli Con Carne, Spaghetti Bolognese and Cottage Pie are home-made from fresh beef sourced from Hampshire butchers. We do not buy in processed products for such dishes.


Free School Meals

If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals you can apply at . You will receive a decision instantly. Successful applications will receive a daily canteen allowance of £3.


Food Menus