Exam Information

In this section you will find information on all aspects of external exams.

Please have a read through the information on here in order to familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations that are set by JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications). Testbourne also has school specific rules which again must be adhered to at all times.

Below you will find up-to-date information regarding exams, including timetables.

Students can access our SharePoint Countdown to Exams Hub by clicking here (student login required). 

The Countdown to Exams Hub is where students can find:

  • Mock exam revision lists for each subject
  • Revision resources
  • ELK revision session schedules
  • JCQ information for candidates


ELK sessions are our Enhanced Learning & Knowledge revision sessions. Each subject runs weekly ELK sessions to help your child prepare for their summer exams.

Department topic lists can be found on the Countdown to Exams area of SharePoint (student login required).

ELK schedule for 2023-24


AQA: Art, Art Photography, Dance, English Language, English Literature, Food Preparation & Nutrition, French, Geography, Maths, PE, RE, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science: Trilogy), Spanish

Eduqas: Music

OCR: Computer Science

Pearson (Edexcel): Drama, History

Vocational Qualifications

Eduqas: L1/2 Vocational Award in Engineering (Technical Award)

OCR: L1/2 Health and Social Care (Cambridge National) - students sitting their Year 11 exams in 2025

Pearson: L1/2 Health and Social Care (BTEC Tech Award) - students sitting their Year 11 exams in 2024


Exam Certificates are presented at presentation evening in the November following the exams which parents and students will be invited to attend. If you are unable to attend the evening, please contact us to arrange collection from the exams officer in the main office. If you are unable to come in person you will need to send a note authorising somebody to collect them on your behalf and they will need to bring photo ID.

You will need your certificates when applying for University places and jobs, so please ensure you collect them and keep them safe. The school is only obliged to keep your certificates for 12 months.

For further information regarding lost certificates or old exam results please click below:-

Guidance on Lost Exam Certificates

For lost or damaged exam certificates, please refer to the Exam Board websites (below) for information on how to obtain new certificates.

OCR (Oxford, Cambridge & RSA)

Pearson Edexcel

AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance)

Letter to Parents: Results Day 2024

If you need any exam specific information, please contact Mr Ryan-Culver, Data and Exams Manager (tel. 01256 890218 or email admin@testbourne.school). If your query is subject/curriculum related, then please contact the relevant teacher or Head of Department.